1.Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him). story

             Hazrat Noah 

   (peace be upon him)

They are the first messengers to be sent. Since you are the human race after the storm, you are also called the second Adam. He preached to his people secretly and openly for several hundred years and during this time he bore the sufferings and sufferings of the people with a smile and showed patience. Despite admonishing the nation for a long time, only 80 people accepted faith and when there was no hope left for the nation to believe and come to the right path, Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) prayed against them, which was accepted. Allah Ta'ala saved the people of faith by taking them in a boat and killed the disbelievers by sending the torment of a storm.

Honorable name and title of              Hazrat Noah;

The name of Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) is Grami Yashkar or Abdul Ghaffar and his nickname is Nuh. It is said in the traditions that he used to cry a lot due to the fear of Allah, that is why he was known as Noah. Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) is also called the second Adam. Explaining the reason for this, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barilvi (may Allah have mercy on him) says that no one's descendants grew from the remnants of the storm, only the descendants of Noah (peace be upon him) are in the whole world. (Appendixes of Ala Hazrat, p. 129). In this regard, in Surah Al-Safaat, Allah says: And We made only their offspring to remain Surah al-Safat, verse: 77 Translation Courtesy: Irfan Ul Quran.

Birth of Noah 

(peace be upon him)

According to Ibn Jarir (may Allah have mercy on him) the birth of Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) took place about 126 years after the death of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him). According to the history of the People of the Book, there is a gap of about 146 years between the birth of Noah and the death of Adam, and according to the tradition of Sahih Ibn Hibban, may God have mercy on him, there is a gap of ten centuries between these two personalities, as narrated by Hazrat Abu Umama, may God be pleased with him. A person asked the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, how much distance was there between Adam and Noah? The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Ten centuries. (Sahih Ibn Hibban, Kitab al-Tarikh, Chapter Beginning of Creation, Volume 8, p. 24).

If Quran means a century, then there will be a gap of 1000 years between these two prophets, and if qarn means a generation, then there will be a gap of thousands of years between them, because people lived for centuries before Noah (pbuh). (Qasas al-Anbiya La bin Kathir, pp. 83, 84)

Attributes of Noah 

(peace be upon him)

Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) was one of the highest-ranking servants of God with perfect faith, as it is said in Surah Al-Safat that; Indeed, he was one of Our (perfect) believing servants Surah al-Safat, verse: 81 Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) used to thank Allah Almighty in every situation, as Allah Almighty says in Surah Bani Israel; (O) Descendants of those whom We took with Noah (peace be upon him) (in the ark), surely Noah (peace be upon him) was a grateful servant. Surah Bani Israel, verse: 3

Allama Ali bin Muhammad known as Khazan (may Allah have mercy on him) says that the reason why Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) is regarded as a particularly grateful servant is that whenever he ate, drank or wore clothes, he used to praise Allah and thank Him. used to bring (Khazan, al-Israa, under al-Ayyah: 3, 161/3). Allah Ta'ala declared Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) not only Shakir (thankful) but as Shakura (perpetual thanksgiving) and then just as gratitude is done by the tongue, it is also done by the heart and limbs, so blessed is the heart of Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him). We can't even imagine how grateful he was, how great he was, and how he used to express his gratitude with blessed limbs is also beyond our understanding.

Allah's rewards on Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him)

Allah Ta'ala gave many rewards to Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) such as leaving only his descendants. In Surah Al-Safaat, Almighty says that; And We made only their offspring to remain Surah al-Safat, verse: 77 It was narrated on the authority of Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) that after the descent of Hazrat Nuh (AS) from the ark, all the men and women who were there except for his children and their wives died without leaving any further descendants and the world was created by the descendants of Noah (AS). Generations of (Khazan, al-Safaat, under al-Ayyah: 77, 19/4). It is narrated from Hazrat Samrah (RA) that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that the Arabs are from the descendants of Sam, the Abyssinians are from the descendants of Ham and the Romans are from the descendants of Yaphth. (Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Tafseer, Chapter and Man of Surah As-Safat)

Another reward of Allah on Noah (peace be upon him) is that prophethood and the book were placed in his descendants and all the prophets and messengers who were sent to the world after him were from his descendants and all the heavenly books were also his. It was revealed to certain persons from among the children. As Allah Almighty says in Surah Al-Hadid: And surely We sent Noah and Abraham, peace be upon them, and We ordained among their descendants the Messenger Ship and the Book, so (some) of them are guided, and most of them are disobedient. Surah al-Hadid, verse: 26.

The mention of two messengers is good in this mentioned verse. The description of this is that all the prophets and messengers who came after Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) were all from the descendants of Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Salaam itself is from the blessed generation of Noah (peace be upon him) and thus the book came first from the descendants of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) and secondly from the descendants of Abraham (peace be upon him). One of the rewards of Allah on Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) is that his mention was preserved in the later generation. And among those who came after (i.e. the Prophets and Ummah), We kept a good mention of them

Surah al-Safat, verse: 78 Here, the latter refers to the Prophets after Noah (peace be upon them) and their ummahs, and we are witnessing this fact with our own eyes that the mention of Noah (peace be upon him) exists and remains throughout the world. One of the rewards of Allah on Noah (peace be upon him) is that the angels, jinn and humans will all continue to send greetings on Noah (peace be upon him) until the Day of Judgment and the word of peace on Noah (peace be upon him) from Allah will always be there, as In Surah Al-Safaat, Almighty says that; Peace be upon Noah in all the worlds

Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) invitation and preaching The origin of idolatry among men

After the ascension of Hazrat Idris (peace be upon him) to the heavens, the epidemic of idolatry gradually became common and people started worshiping idols known as Wad, Suwa, Yaghouth, Yauq and Nasr along with other idols. According to him, these five idols were more glorious than others and that is why the same five idols of his have been mentioned in the Holy Quran.

Narrating the background of the idols, Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrates that these (Wad, Suwa, Yaghouth, Yauq, Nasr) are the names of good men of the people of Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him). When they died, Satan He put it in their hearts that in the places where the people of Allah used to sit, make statues of them and name these idols after the names of these good people. They did not worship them, when those people left the world and knowledge also decreased, then these statues started to be worshipped. 

(Bukhari, Kitab al-Tafseer, chapter Vada and al-Sawaa al-Ighawth and Ya’uq, 364/3

Hazrat Muhammad bin Ka'b Qarzi (may God bless him and grant him peace) says that Wad and Swa'a etc. are the names of the sons of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) and they were very pious. When one of them died, the people were deeply saddened, seeing this, Satan came to them in human form and said, "Are you sad for your partner?" People answered yes. Satan said: Shall I make a picture like this for you, which you should keep in front of you when you worship, and when you look at it, you will remember that companion and your heart will be blessed with peace. People said that we don't like to have something like that in front of us during worship. Satan said, "Then you should place it in the last corner of your place of worship." People said yes it is right.So the devil made a picture for them and when the five people died, the devil made pictures of all of them and placed them in the corner of their place of worship. Started worshiping. (Ruh al-Ma'ani, Nuh, under Al-Ayyah: 33, 122/15).

Obedience to God's command and Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him)

Allah Ta'ala ordered Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) to warn his people of divine punishment, that if those people do not believe, they will suffer a terrible punishment in this world and they will suffer a painful punishment in the Hereafter. In this regard, Allah says in Surah Nuh that; Indeed, We sent Noah (peace be upon him) to his people to warn them before a painful punishment befalls them.

                       Surah Nuh, verse: 1 

Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) said to his people in obedience to God's command: O my people! I am going to warn and warn you in a very clear way about the punishment of Allah Ta'ala and tell you to acknowledge the oneness of Allah Ta'ala, do not commit shirk and stay away from disobedience to Allah Ta'ala to avoid His wrath. If you obey my commandments and confirm the religion that I brought, then Allah will forgive your sins and protect you from punishment. In this regard, Allah says in Surah Nuh that; He said: O my people! Indeed, I am about to give you a clear warning

That you worship Allah and fear Him and obey me He will forgive your sins and grant you respite for a fixed period. Verily, when Allah's (fixed) period comes, no respite is given, I wish! You would have known Surah Nuh, Verse: 2 to 4

Noah's people's bad treatment of Hazrat Noah (peace be upon him)

In response to the preaching of Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him), the nation showed disobedience, called him a liar, refused to believe in monotheism and abandon polytheism, and also threatened that if he did not follow his preaching and preaching of the religion. If you don't stop, we will stone you to death.Along with these denials and threats, they also started saying insulting words in honor of Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) that (may Allah be pleased with them) they are crazy, as if these rebels wanted to harm Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and in every possible way. tried hard, but Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) was also Olu-ul-Azam, i.e. the most courageous Messenger, and he endured all these hardships for the sake of Da'wah. In this regard, in Surah Al-Qamar of the Holy Qur'an, Allah says: Before them, the people of Noah (also) denied. So they denied our servant (Mursal Nuh, peace be upon him) and said: (He is) mad, and they were.

 threatened. Surah al-Qamar, verse: 9

Allah Ta'ala commanded the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to be patient and forbearing like the Messengers of Ulu-ul-Azam, and Hazrat Noah (PBUH) is also included among these courageous Messengers. In Surah Al-Ahqaf Allah says: (O Habib!) So be patient as the (other) Prophets of great courage were patient and do not be hasty (in seeking punishment) for them (disbelievers) on the Day when they will see it (the punishment of the Hereafter). That which is being promised to them, (they will think) as if they did not stay (in the world) except for one hour of the day, (this is from Allah) the message is to be conveyed, except to the disobedient people. People will not be killed

Calling the people to worship God by scaring them with the punishment of the Great Day; Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) 

continued to call upon the people to believe in monotheism and to worship God, despite the severe misbehavior of the people. On one occasion Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) said: O my people! Accept faith and worship Allah, for there is none that can be worshiped except Him, He is your God, and in that which I am commanding you, if you do not accept my advice and If you do not come to the right path, I am afraid of punishment on you on the Great Day, i.e. the Day of Judgment. In Surah A'raf of the Holy Quran, Allah says regarding the invitation of Noah to his people.

Indeed, We sent Noah (peace be upon him) to his people, so he said: O my people! You have no god but Allah. There is fear of punishment 

Surah Al-A'raf, verse: 59

                                                 to be continued


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